quotheraven's Diaryland Diary


A gay guy?

Now that I have a promotion I have whole new bosses to go along with it. There is a guy and girl I am the assistant to. The guy and I have been friends since I started working here, so much so that we hang out outside of work and he's taken me to bars and restaurants. I've taken him to places like the lesbian bar my mom goes to and he just LOVED it. (shhhh, my mom's gay.) He has loaned me large quantities of money when I was broke and asked no questions about it. He's 23, a year younger than I, Mexican, really cute, responsible, etc.. The girl is married to the bosses son who ALSO works here along with the rest of the family. She doesn't let it get to her head much, at least not with me. She's really cool. She bought me a $160 bottle of imported French perfume for my birthday so she instantly made my favorite list. She and I have never had a beef.

HOWEVER, since I have been training with the guy boss, this guy who is my buddy, my pal, my chum, he has been acting LIKE A REAL BITCH! You see, he is a closet case and I know this. How do I know this you ask? Many little things I have picked up on like, HE DOESN'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND HE MAKES REALLY GOOD MONEY AND IS REALLY CUTE, HE HAS LOTION, DENTAL FLOSS, TOOTHPASTE, AND A LENT BRUSH IN HIS DESK DRAWER, HE ARCHES HIS EYEBROWS AND THAT'S ALWAYS A DEAD GIVEAWAY, HIS BELT AND SHOES ALWAYS COORDINATE, and most recently while he and I were out drinking he told me about one of our collegues who is gay and about our collegues boyfriend who he referred to in his very own words as "HE IS FUCKING HOT!" Ummmm, yeah, do you think I am wrong for thinking he is gay? He also is very very good friends with an OPENLY gay, older man who has worked here for 25 years. He has kinda taken my new boss under his sheets, OOPS I MEAN, under his wing, hehe...

Anyway, my point is is that my new guy boss is being a jerk to me and I think it's because he found out I discussed with my new girl boss that I truly in my heart of hearts think he is gay and I am guessing that has pissed him off FINALLY. I say finally because everytime I joked about it before he never ever denyed it. I mean is that normal for a straight man who is constantly mistaken for gay though he isn't to not take offense to it NOR deny it? Hmmmm...I bet there will be a cat fight between us soon. I can feel a storm coming!

10:38 a.m. - 2003-11-06


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