quotheraven's Diaryland Diary


My friends...

Remember my friend I told you about that is psychic and can talk to the dead? Well he isn't the kind you see on tv that makes money off of doing it and really is just a fake. In fact he lives in a little house in the woods of Vermont far away from anyone because no one understands him and his gifts and if they could they would just make a spectacle out of him like the ones on television, so that's why he lives away from anyone.

Anyway, I have a friend I work with here who I swear to you has THE LOWEST self esteem I have ever seen in a person! She is almost 50 and has been married to her husband for over 20 years. She gets up at 4:00 every morning to cook him a hot breakfast before he has to go to work everyday. They have a son and a daughter together both college aged and she does anything at all for them. BUT, her husband is nothing short of a boil on a baboons ass! He is SUCH an asshole to her! He doesn't give a flying fuck about her. He doesn't tell her anything nice about herself. She is on the school board and so for Christmas and other holidays she gets many invitations to attend parties during those holidays and he won't allow her to go. He asked her if they could move to a nudest colony because factually he is tired of her and just wants to see other naked women! (I swear I hate hate hate men sometimes!) And just so you know the MAGNITUDE of how big an asshole he is, check out this latest scenario in this poor woman's life.

She went to the doctor because she has this little bity flesh colored mole on her nose and it started bleeding. The doctor says he thinks it's cancerous. He said he can do one of two things for it. She can come into his office and he can give her a local pain killer shot directly into her nose and he can cut as much of it out as possible which he said is very painful and no guarantee that it will get it all, OR she can go in and have day surgery where they will put her completely under and she won't feel a thing and they can most likely remove all of it. Naturally, thanks to our wonderful country and how it runs medical insurance, that day surgery procedure is MUCH more expensive! So guess who doesn't want to pay for more than he has to? You guessed correctly. THAT MEGA ASSHOLE husband of hers! He is going to make his wife of over 20 years, the mother of his children, go through a painful procedure which may not even get rid of the potentially fatal cancer, just to save a few bucks. MAN what a dick with ears he is!

Well on to my psychic friend and this woman. She doesn't believe in much, thanks to her husband. But I told her about my friend being able to contact deceased loved ones by merely having a picture of them and she got really curious. Both of her parents died some time ago and she was wondering if he could see how they are doing now. He wrote back and was almost too close for comfort in alot of what he saw of her parents. He said her father was a salesman in life, and he was. He could see that the circumstances surrounding his death left everyone confused which they were. You see, he also had cancer in his throat and spine. Back in the 70's they would use the form of putting cancer patients in a coman while they were undergoing kemo so they wouldn't have to feel so much pain. Well this is what they did to her father but he died and it was 3 days before the doctors even noticed that! Weird. Anyway, my point is that my psychic friend went on and on about things that were so accurate it almost literally floored my poor friend and I don't think she's a skeptic anymore.

I always find it completely intriguing when I can be responsible for changing how someone feels about things, especially when it's for the better. I actually have been able to bring a genuine smile to her sweet face and that has made the rest of my day today a really good one.

And I'm off tomorrow to rock with Manson and SevenDust and Staind and I'M SO EXCITED I'M CREAMING MYSELF!!

9:16 a.m. - 2003-10-30


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