quotheraven's Diaryland Diary



Well hey all ya'll out there! I've missed you all so very very much! I haven't written sooner as I am STILL without a PC of my very own. Yeah, what a sad case I am. I'm trying! Yes I am still unemployed. WHOA it sucks! The economy is in shambles! All the only real training I have is in mortgage and real estate and BOTH businesses are so slow right now that no one is hiring. I'm either under qualified or over qualified. I'm still looking, none-the-less. At least I get to watch Judge Judy at 4:00 every afternoon. My husband is now working 2 jobs, though. He does construction during the day and waits tables at night. At least he loves me enough to do that. I'm a lucky girl. Every time I watch Judge Judy I think about taking those shady ass people I used to work for and sue them for pain and suffering and nightmares and so on. I'd win, no doubt! I'm not worried about it. I curse them and hope they go belly up soon. PLEASE LET THEM GO BANKRUPT!! I just got done watching Pulp Fiction for the millionth time! It's still really cool though. I have a weiner dog now, too. He is an old geezer. He's 10. He's constantly on me, though, like some sort of tumor. I got so sick of him clinging to me one day I actually let him out the back door and prayed that he'd run away to another family. We have many openings in my back yard and I just knew he'd get out and go. An hour later I went to check on him and see if he was gone, and as if I would think otherwise, he was standing by the door just waiting for me to let him back in. Poor bastard, I guess he loves me too much, too. Oh well, we must be meant to be. I'm low-carb dieting. I swear I was craving a slice of bread so bad I was hallucinating! I haven't had a soda in a month. And the carbs are 96% out of my life. Why can't big booty girls be as desirable as all the skinny hooker looking chicks on television? Oh Victorian Age, come back!! I went to a gay men's club last weekend with my sister because they have really good dance music at those clubs, and you know what? THEY HIT ON US MORE THAN AT STRAIGHT CLUBS! They were on me like white on rice! One dude even grabbed my -----! I had to go elsewhere on the dance floor after that. I danced with a dude who looked like Bono and from then on I can't remember much. Happy Hour went straight to my head. Am I spelling 'straight' right? It doesn't look right. Anyhoo, I'm about to watch "Up In Smoke" and then call it a night. I'm so pleased that I got to update and let ya'll know the dilly-o about me and how things are going. This place still gives me a comfort I can find in nothing or no one else. MWAH my little lambs!

12:27 a.m. - 2004-04-11


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